Neither the patient nor the dentist wants to go to the extreme of having to perform a tooth extraction. Conservative dentistry is the branch in charge of preventing this from happening.
The patient’s tooth may be damaged for a variety of reasons, but the most common are:
- Caries
- Trauma
- Wear and tear
- Developmental alterations
When a patient comes to our clinic with a deteriorated tooth, we will try to restore its functionality and esthetics by means of conservative dentistry techniques. These include:
- Endodontics
- Composite restorations
- Placement of porcelain crowns
In addition, techniques to prevent abnormalities in the mouth are also considered conservative dentistry. For example, oral cleanings, sealing of pits and fissures or tooth brushing. We remind you that proper dental hygiene is the first step to avoid complex oral treatments.
Endodontics, or root canal treatment, is the procedure by which the pulp inside the affected tooth is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned. After disinfecting and drying, the empty spaces are filled with resin and cement sealant.
This procedure is performed when the infections caused by caries are very severe and seriously affect the tooth.
Zenit Clinic is committed to minimally invasive treatments, such as endodontics, to maintain natural teeth as long as possible in the patient’s mouth.
Composite restorations
When the tooth has suffered a cavity or fracture, the lost tooth tissue can also be replaced. Composite restorations are also called fillings and are another common, simple and minimally invasive dental restoration process.
It consists of removing the affected tooth tissue, cleaning the cavity and filling it with composite. With this, correct chewing is restored.
Composite is a material also used to restore teeth after trauma. The purpose is twofold: the esthetics of the tooth is restored, but also its function.
Porcelain crowns
Porcelain crowns are needed when the tooth is very deteriorated, for example, due to severe caries or wear due to bruxism.
They are complete or partial coverings of the surface of the teeth: they not only help to restore the esthetics of the smile, but also provide the tooth with greater resistance and durability.
Our goal will always be to keep our patients’ mouths healthy. Therefore, we recommend regular visits to our clinic, where we can observe the condition of your teeth and minimize the risks of more expensive treatments in the future.
Good oral hygiene helps maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. However, despite proper hygiene, you may end up with damaged teeth due to external factors. If that happens, come to our clinic for the best conservative dentistry treatment.

Clínica dental de referencia en Alicante, especializada en tratamientos de estética dental, implantología y salud bucodental integral.
- Zenit Clinic
- Zenit Clinic
- Zenit Clinic
- Zenit Clinic